Frequently Asked Questions at Cavell HR

What services does Cavell HR offer?

Cavell HR predominantly provides specialist support to Health & Social Care Businesses.

We provide our Productivity Booster, which supports businesses to increase its staff outputs, which also increases the quality of patient led care. We build environments, cultures and teams that directly align to achieving the businesses goals over the next 12 + Months.

Whilst we increase the productivity of businesses over just 1 year, we also provide our Done-For-You Expert HR Support for absolutely Free. Yes , it is genuinely free. With us there is one point of contact, no templates, we do not put the work back on your shoulders or add processes in your workload. We look and feel like you internal HR Manager/Department.

How can I book an appointment with Cavell HR?

You can simply book a discovery call, to learn more about us and so we can learn more about you through the link below:


Do you provide a guarantee?

We provide our Zero Risk Guarantee, which is aimed to place 100% of the risk on ourselves.
We provide our done-for-you HR throughout all our services for free and if we’re unable to increase your staff productivity over 1 year, then we simply do not get paid and we’ll give you 6 months additional services for free.

Why is Productivity important?

Productivity is the measure of what your staff are actually producing or the services they are providing.

By measuring this above and beyond just other metrics like ‘Time’, we can understand where there are performance concerns, strategic bottlenecks, problems with product and service delivery and more.

The key metric to understanding the health of your workforce and business will be through measuring productivity.

At Cavell we have built this into a reliable system set to ensure that the work your staff complete is aligned directly to the goals of the business.

Is this an onsite support?

The support we provide is hands-on and can be onsite if required, but we would advise only considering this in the most extreme of circumstances, which we can discuss with you.

The Productivity Booster consists of a balance of education and educational support for Managers, access to specialist resources and the majority is hands-on support through regular meetings and access to a consultant when you need them.

Will this just be another learning or course based process?

No. Education is part of the Productivity Booster and an essential one as well, but the majority of the service is provided through regular meetings throughout the year and adhoc meetings when needed, including for our HR Support Services.

Our support is not only available to you or your senior team, but for all your Managers and Supervisors too.

We do have a platform through which we also hold our educational materials and provide updates through.

What is your contractual length?

Initially, we provide a 12 month contract which is considered our ‘Induction Phase’.

After the first 12 months, we look to build on the Induction to the system and launch into our ‘Scale & Growth Phase’, which is optional and consists of a 3 year contract. Our prices are transparent and when you enter the system, will not change.