Author: cavellhr

National Sickie Day: Absence costing UK businesses over £100 billion

Monday 3rd February is dubbed National Sickie Day, because this is the day when your employees are, statistically, most likely to call in sick. While the odd sick day here and there is natural, and should be encouraged if their sickness is genuine, absence can be a huge problem for you as a business owner. […]

Why hiring an apprentice is a smart move for your business

It’s National Apprenticeship Week, and there’s no better time to highlight the benefits of bringing an apprentice into your team. Whether you’re a small business looking to grow or a larger company aiming to nurture fresh talent, apprenticeships offer an excellent opportunity to build your workforce affordably. Here are three reasons to consider hiring an […]

Do your managers need training in 2025?

The Chartered Management Institute claims 82% of UK managers are ‘accidental managers’ who have received little to no formal management training. As you and I both know, managing people is a complex task. There is no instruction manual, nor a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Yet, we still expect our managers, often promoted through tenure and technical competence, […]

Your business’s plan to improve employees’ mental health

Mental health affects one in six British workers. It’s the leading cause of sickness absence. And it’s costing UK employers between £33 billion and £44 billion a year. Prioritising employee mental health isn’t just “the right thing to do”; it’s critical to your business’s success. To address this, the government’s “Thriving at Work” review outlined […]